What to Do After a Bike Accident

There are plenty of common ways that you can cause a bike accident. One of these is being distracted while riding your bike. Another is speeding. Yet another is failing to give the cyclist enough room.

Distracted riding

Thousands of cyclists are injured every year due to distracted riding. Drivers may be adjusting their radio station, reaching for something in their vehicle, or talking to a passenger on their cell phone. Distracted riding puts cyclists at a greater risk of being injured and killed. The NHTSA estimates that distractions contribute to 10% of fatal traffic crashes.

A study focusing on cycling errors and distractions was conducted to determine their influence on traffic crashes. Using a large sample of bicycle users from around the world, the study investigated the trends of cycling distractions. It incorporated a questionnaire for self-reported information. Among the most important factors contributing to distractions were age, gender, and risk perception.


Speeding is a major factor in causing bike accidents. This is because speeding increases the distance needed for a driver to stop, decreases the time a driver has to make a decision, and lowers a driver’s reaction time. These factors can lead to catastrophic injuries and wrongful death.

Another common factor is bad road conditions. Debris on the road can reduce motorbike traction and increase the risk of a crash. Traffic congestion can cause drivers to speed and can also make it difficult to spot cyclists.

Running a red light or stop sign is another common reason for an accident. The law requires drivers to check their surroundings and look for pedestrians and cyclists before making any turns. But if drivers fail to do so, they can end up in a serious bike wreck.

Opening a car door

When a bicyclist runs into an open car door, it can be quite a frightening experience. In fact, nearly one-third of all cyclist accidents are injuries that involve a bicyclist and a vehicle. Depending on the location of the accident, the motorist may be liable for the damage.

However, in order to get a bike door accident claim, you will need to prove that the driver or passenger failed to act in a reasonable way. This means that they did not follow the proper rules for sharing the roadway.

Often, people involved in bike-car accidents have conflicting statements. They will either say that the cyclist was not paying attention or that the cyclist was too close to the car when the door was opened. Usually, however, it is the driver who is at fault.

Failure to give cyclist enough space

Failure to give cyclists enough space is one of the leading causes of bike accidents. Drivers fail to give cyclists room when passing, and the result is a collision. Similarly, pedestrians and other road users can also be a hazard for a cyclist.

Cyclists who use clip-in pedal systems are particularly vulnerable. They are not attached very securely, and this can cause them to be thrown from their bicycles. If you are a bicyclist who uses this type of pedal system, you must be aware of the dangers.

Another common reason for bike accidents is failure to stop at stop signs. Drivers sometimes do illegal lane changes or speed up when a bicyclist is passing. This can result in a T-bone collision.

Document your medical journey

If you’ve been involved in a bike accident, it’s important to document your journey to recovery. This can include photos of your injuries and crash scene. You may even want to record a daily journal to track your pain levels and recovery progress. While you’re at it, don’t forget to write down the details of any medical procedures you’re involved in.

It’s not uncommon for a relatively minor accident to turn into a full-blown crisis, and you need to be prepared for that. Documenting the facts is a good way to document what happened and what your insurance company is liable for.

It’s also a good idea to maintain a small notebook with all of your pertinent information. This includes the details of any injury you might have sustained, along with receipts of medical care. Keeping track of your medical history can prove invaluable if you ever need to sue for additional damages.

Filing a lawsuit

There are several different things to do after you’ve been involved in a bike accident. You’ll want to gather your medical records, take photographs of the accident scene, and contact a lawyer. This will give you a better chance at obtaining the compensation you deserve.

After you’ve received treatment, your lawyer can begin the process of filing a lawsuit. They will also help you to determine which parties are responsible for your injuries.

In order to successfully file a lawsuit, you will need to have evidence that your injuries were caused by someone else’s actions. This includes eyewitness accounts, statements from other people involved, and medical records.